Feed on

the egg convo

Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Don’t be afraid of it or of what other people think of it. It’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own. – Mary Schmich



Gawd remember how contorted we used to get in the back seat of your Cortina?


Yeah…what was that colour called again?


Heh, yeah I don’t remember either…some kinda dark green…


ahh we were so young back then…oh… remember it had the sunroof that always leaked?


Ah yeah… that’s right it only ever leaked on me if you turned a corner too fast. You turned a lot of freakin’ fast corners back then…


Yeah heh… wet-tshirts always were your favourite… pfft…


Oh yeah that’s right…  british racing green…yeah racing green…


Gawd… remember the stick shift knob? It would always fall off…


Yeah really, reeeeally ironic… heh…


Oh my gawd… I forgot about that night…


The egg … heh heh… did it  fall on the boot or the bonnet I can’t remember?


On the boot, yeah you’re right… geez it gave me a fright… I knew we’d been egged… but remember what you said?


Yep that it musta fallen out of that tree… from a nest… fek me… yeah babe …you would have said just about annnyyyything…


Yes… of course I didn’t believe you…


I know, I know you wanted to prove it to me… heh… remember we both got out of the car to look…


You picked up the shell… remember what I said when we saw it?


Yeah, heh…that’s right..hehe… eggs from nests don’t have bloody use by stamps on them!


Gawd… do you think we could still do it?


You know…go necking… in the back seat of the car?


Yeah you’re probably right…


pfft… yeah family car now…heh…ah the booster seat would be in the way…


oh yeah… and your sore back…


Hmm? you’re right… my dumb knee…


God it was great to be young…




Oh… yeah that’s right… we didn’t have a king size bed then though…

…did we?



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